Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sit not S**T

Michael's vocabulary has went through the roof! He has said so little words up until now. I really have been worried that he might have a problem but then I also try to remember that each child goes at their own pace. I had a friend who's son started talking at 1 1/2. So at almost 2 and hardly saying anything besides babble kinda had me on edge. However lately that has started to change. Michael is repeating almost everything we say. I love listening to his sweet little voice repeating our words. He has trouble with some words so he turns them into something he can say like Shelby for instance, he says Delby. 

Now as for the title of this blog. 

Michael, Shelby and I were shopping the other day and Michael kept standing up in the cart(Shelby was in the front). I kept snapping my fingers and telling Michael to sit down. Well, Michael decided he needed to repeat sit, but also needed to add an H to that sit, so throughout the store all you could hear was this little boy saying, S**t, over and over. I was so embarrassed and prayed that people would be understanding. I kept trying to get Michael to just say sit, but it was no use. 

Let's see what else this kid will come up with! 

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