Saturday, August 20, 2011

Miranda Lambert - The House That Built Me

My brother Zac came over to visit the other day and we got to talking about our "home". I grew up in this home from baby until I left the nest. This home hosted my wedding. This home holds dear memories. A few years ago my dad and his wife decided to move to Ohio and so our home was sold. It was extremely hard letting go of my home. When it was emptied I walked room to room and touch every wall and surface, flashing back to memories I had in the specific rooms. I cried, A LOT. I don't think that I if I hadn't done that, I wouldn't be ok with not having that house in my life anymore. It helped me cope. The man that bought the home completely redid the inside of the home to where if I was blindfolded and brought inside, I wouldn't recognize it.

When this song first came out, it hit home. I cried as all my memories flooded back to my childhood home. I know I can't go back but I can always remember the house that built me. 

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