Tuesday, October 18, 2011

trouble-some twos

I do not want to call it the terrible two's, because I know what I am going through with my 2 year old can get worse, and more than likely will. I just need to get this out here, so I can look back months from now and laugh at how stressed this moment in time made me, and think that this moment was just a walk in the park. 

This eve, Michael and I went by ourselves on a trip to the grocery. It was much needed munchkin and mommy time. I thought before we left that this was going to be great, and fun. I even ditched the diaper bag and brought an actual purse which felt so nice. We got to the store and everything was fine and dandy. I unhooked Mike from his seat and he walked to the door and waited for me to get there. He held my hand and we walked through the parking lot and then up he went into the cart. For about 10 minutes things were going great, then out of nowhere he started to yell "hey". He enjoys hearing his echo so he just got louder and louder. I tried to get him to quiet down and then he started yelling "no" Once I finally got him to settle down with the yelling he then decided he was going to start kicking me, and pushing me away from the cart. Not only was he kicking, but pinching too and hard! I have no idea where he learned how to pinch, and tonight was the first time he had ever done that. After that it was a steady flow from kicking, yelling, pinching until we finally got to the checkout and this is when I lost my battle with him. Everything I had placed on the check stand he reached over and so lovingly brushed off onto the floor. One by one I picked it all up and checked out and we left the store. 

Once we were at the car, I asked Michael if he had enjoyed himself as he made it very difficult to run our errands. We are working on our manors so I was trying to get him to say he was sorry for acting out. Then these people walked by and saw me asking my two year old to apologize and I immediately felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand, almost as if I were doing something wrong, although I was not. I need to realize that I am a parent, that I have children, and discipline will have to occur in public and I can't shy away from it just because people stare. I just have a feeling that this little incident is minute to the future that awaits our growing two year old. 

1 comment:

Rox said...

I feel your pain!! Ferris has started acting out and it is so embarrassing! It's really upsetting when he swats at us or grabs/pinches us. I keep telling myself, "This too shall pass..." I know just what you mean about disciplining in public, feels like everyone is judging. But we gotta do what we gotta do to keep our good boys GOOD! Hang in there!