Sunday, October 2, 2011

Bed Time

I have come to the point in parenting where my mommy skills are being put to the test. 
Let me just start by saying I love my son. He is a very happy boy, easy going, and most of the part very content.
He loves to play, help me do chores, going on rides, and just helping out and putting things away.
However, he highly dispises being told no, and going to bed. 

Michael has never been on a routine sleep schedule. He always went to bed when I did and woke up when I did. When I went to the Hosp. to give birth to Shelby my husbands parents had gotten Michael on a 10pm sleep sced. Up until a few nights ago this 10pm had been my saving grace. 
Now we are in a tooth and nail battle for bed time. It's nothing but screams, and cries, and throwing himself against the wall(literally).


Part of me wants to cradle him and sooth him and well let him have his way. The other part of me wants me to keep my foot grounded and let him cry himself to sleep. I have a dilemma with that however. It's hurts my heart for one and two I live in a triplex and Michael's room in located next to my neighbor's room. When he screams, jumps,& hits the wall; they hear it. Twice, they have come to the front door asking us to quiet him down. We changed his room around to where his bed is on the opposite wall but it doesn't help with the pounding and jumping. 

Last night was absolutely terrible. For two hours Michael screamed non stop. I couldn't keep him in his room in fear of bothering my neighbors so he came into bed with me and he just continued to scream. He crawled on top of Shelby which got her upset so then I had TWO screaming kids. I didn't know what to do. I called my Husband in tears at midnight and every time I tried to talk to him, Michael would just scream even louder. I ended up putting Shelby in the play pin and just holding Michael. He finally took big deep breath and starting running his fingers through my hair, eventually falling asleep, as did I. 

This may sound like I am a terrible mom, I don't know. I just didn't know what to do. I had no patience and because of that I was not capable of trying to understand why he was so upset. 

It may have been because he was hungry, or because he is getting teeth. I can't tell because he doesn't like to open his mouth and when I try doing finger swabs he bites down. 

I just prayed last night that the lord please give me the patience I need to be a good mom and to be more understanding.

Thankfully my husband was home tonight when Michael started screaming. It took about 40mins but he was able to get him to quiet down and fall asleep; giving me a breather. 

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