Tuesday, October 4, 2011

3 months old (Shelby)

My sweet little shells is 3 months old
Here is what she is up:
She sucks on her fingers constantly making the cutest noises
She smiles, A LOT
She coos and ca's and is almost giggling
Her favorite place to sleep in laying on her tummy on my chest
she really hasn't taken to her paci lately
she eats 4oz about every 4 hours
size 1 diaper, size 0-3 clothes width wise but length wise will be in 3-6 soon. 
She enjoys bath time but is not in love with drying off, she screams every time
She recognizes faces which warms my heart to the core. When I see her face light up when she sees her daddy it just melts me. I love it.
She makes so many faces and my favorite is her scrunch face, its kinda like "are you serious?!?" kinda look
She scoots downward which is making me quite nervous for the next stage in her life, rolling over and then crawling! YIKES
She holds her head up like a champ but she throws her self back when you try to hold her in a sitting position
She is addicted to staring at the ceiling, lights, picture frames, and the ceiling fan.
Her absolute favorite thing in her teddy bear mobile. She will squeal with delight when we turn in on for her and she will just babble and stare until it stops. Then she gets cranky until we turn it back on and the process repeats itself until she finally falls asleep.
She sleeps from about midnight to 8/9ish

Pictures and video to follow soon :) 

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