Thursday, October 20, 2011


While eating lunch at the Seattle zoo, birds started to swarm us. They were literally all around us and mainly black birds. Freaky. Well my brother got the bright idea to throw sandwich meat to these birds. Then it was a game with him to feed one bird in particular. This one black bird was very slow when trying to get the food, so the other birds would swoop in and snatch it before the bird got anywhere near it. Well after this went on for a while this peacock walked up. I don't know if you have ever heard a peacock before but for as pretty as they are, they sure make the ugliest sounds. It sounded like a car horn, in a wreck, under water, that was going through puberty kinda noise, ha. Well that peacock kept inching closer and closer and was an arms reach away from Michael. I was freaking out, I didn't want that bird to peck my son. I tried to shoo it away but no luck, it was not afraid. Well what does my brother do to get this bird to move? He made a sandwich scrap trail! The peacock followed the trail until he ate every last crumb and turned right back around and headed our way! Ugh. So my brother repeated the trail process while I packed us up and we went on our merry way, leaving our scraps for the birds :)

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