Friday, September 16, 2011

I did it

I did it



I am talking about a trip to the zoo




It was the perfect day to go too
Not hot at all, nice overcast
and hardly any people
It was so nice going to each exhibit and being the only ones there or there might be one other family
and for the first time in a long time I was able to hear the animals
It usually is so loud with all the people
it was nice hearing the elephants make noises with their trunks and hear the monkeys call out. 

Michael was so good and didn't mind sitting down while touring the zoo. I love our double stroller that allows Michael to be up front and able to see everything. We had a good time and Michael was so much more into it than he had been in the past. He loved seeing the fish, that was his favorite (I am thinking a trip to the Oregon coast aquarium might be in the near future). He was so interested in almost all the animals and would practically break his neck looking in the exhibits for the animals that he couldn't see right away. 

Shelby slept almost the entire time. Waking up only once to eat and that was when we were halfway through and it was time for Michael and I to take a break anyway. She is such a good little girl and a very sleepy baby (Michael was the same way at her age) 

This creeped me out. We were looking at all the fish when I noticed this head with orange eyes just hovering above the water. CREEPY. Haha. 
Sorry about the flash but click the pic to enlarge 

Michael liked this little guy or gal? It was laying in a corner right next to the window and just watched Michael  as he pointed. He kept say tabby (she is our orange cat at home). 

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