Wednesday, August 18, 2010

And the Winner is..............

Nuby No-Spill Sports Sipper! Finally, one the actually works! At least one that works for Michael that is. We have bought literally every single sippy cup brand to see if one worked better than the other. We were at winco and saw a munchkin brand sports sippy and tried that and we were really close with that one. He would use it but the flow was so fast he would get his formula everywhere. We went to wal-mart and found a nuby sports sippy that we had not seen before and tried that and right away Michael took to it no problem. I used it half the day yesterday and he was content with just that, no need for his bottle. Eureka! I went out and bought a couple more today so maybe by tomorrow this little guy will no longer need his bottle! I didn't make my 10 month goal but it looks like we didn't go to far past my imaginary deadline.

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