Thursday, December 31, 2009

Grandma and Her Boy

Lets start from the beginning. When I tried telling my mom the news of me being preggers, She told me before I could get it out. She said I was just glowing. She was nervous, scared, and there was some excitement but like I said it was just some. She was very scared and nervous because of my weight and it was understandable but the deed was already done and I could only move forward from there. She accepted the fact more and more throughout the pregnancy and realized more and more that I was doing fine after every appointment I had especially with my ob telling me how great I was doing. By the end of my pregnancy my mom was there 100% and stood by my side during labor. As soon as she saw that boy come out her entire attitude changed and she was more than happy to be called grandma. She loves her grandson and I can see how much joy he has given her. Its amazing how one miracle can bring multiple blessings.
One Happy Grandma!

Christmas Day

Grandma with her boy playing

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