Monday, April 2, 2012

14 and counting

Wednesday is my Hubby's birthday. He will be 33 this year! Sadly he will not be home on his actually birthday. But per his request when he returns home we are to get a sitter, and go to the movies. To see what you may ask?!?! Titanic in 3D of coarse. That was thee movie to see when it came out. I literally saw it 14 times in the theater. More specific the late theater off of SE Chkalov Dr across from Freddy's (It is now some sort of church). I was all about Titanic when I was little. I researched it like crazy. My dad was so excited they had made a movie about it that I would probably love. I remember him taking me and us standing in line with the red velvet rope. We sat down in an awesome spot and I waited patiently for the movie to start. 

* BTW I hated waiting for movies to start back then. Music and still photos with wording were the advertisements. I always told my parents it would be nice if there were actual commercials like TV while we are waiting. HA who would of thought that would happen only a few short years later.

Anyway as soon as the movie started I immediately started crying. The opening music tugged at my heart strings and the anticipation of what was to come. 
I loved it. My dad loved it. It was our thing for a good few weeks. We just kept going back to see it again and again.
Now I will add a number to make the final count 15. So glad my hubby wants to see it in the theater again!  

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