Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sweet Child Of Mine

My sweet child or is it My obnoxious child?
These days it's one or the other, and sometimes a mix of both in one day

Let's start with the sweet one
The sweet one helps
loads dirty laundry
loads the dryer
Hands me clean dishes out of the dishwasher
Hugs his sister randomly
Hugs me randomly
Opens the screen door to let our dog into the yard and opens it again to let him back in
When we get home he sits down right away to remove his jacket and shoes and socks and puts EVERYTHING away

Now for my OBNOXIOUS child
Running around screaming
Throwing things just because he can(He has dinged Shell's a few times without meaning to)
I clean his room all day long and as soon as I leave he is back in there throwing everything out of place, not playing with anything
When I ask him to pick something up he just runs away
I let him out of the shopping cart yesterday and as soon as that kids feet hit the ground he took off
People were staring, some laughing, and some giving us dirty looks like we were bad parents.
Sean ran after him and I walked with Shelby, sooo embarrassed. 
Last week Michael was walking with me and I let him go to help me put things into the cart when he darted off into the clothes. I saw what direction he went in and tried to catch up with him on the outside and then I didn't hear his feet anymore. I ran to the end of one of the clothing isles and stopped to try and find him and then he ran right into my cart! Oh that child!
& now for the worst
He will not leave his diaper on AT ALL
I lay him down at night and as soon as my eyes are off him he strips down to bare skin
It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't pee, but he pees as soon as his diaper is off so I have had to do many many bed changes.
This happens throughout the day as well.
When I shower, or do dishes, and try to cook, just about anytime he doesn't see me his pants and diaper are off. 

I know these are signs of him being ready to potty train. Months ago I bought him this cute duck toilet to start going potty in, and when anything hit the bottom it would make music, cute right? 

The toilet has a lid, because it doubles as a stepping stool
The seat can be removed to be placed onto the real toilet
There is a cover for little boys that folds up
and the waste container can be removed
It was nothing but one big toy to the kid. All he wanted to do was play. 

I kept telling Sean we just need a seat with a hole in it, just one solid piece. We looked around for a while and saw a couple but they were just obnoxious with price but then out of all places we found the perfect one, IKEA. This little green potty seat for $5 bucks, couldn't be that.

The last couple days we have been using it throughout the day. We bought the thick padded training underwear for him to wear and pull down when he needed to go. He will sit down on the potty just to fart, which is pretty cute, but he is getting the idea. He has peed quite a few times but hasn't pooped yet. I am praying he gets this whole going potty in the toilet idea!

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