Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Got ants?

Got Ants?
Well we do and Lot's of them
It used to be only spring time when we would see them and it would be in our living room under the window or in our bathroom. 
But now
They have been going non stop since summer and they have taken over the right side of our kitchen where our sink is. 
I have set ant traps with no luck
Our neighbors have them to in their kitchen too
During the summer we must of pored boiling water onto at least a dozen ant mounds out in the yard on the sidewalk
We have complained about this issue to our landlord and his resolve was to buy raid ant killer spray, SPRAY, to put on our Kitchen counters, where I prepare our food, my children's food, yeah I don't think so.
So I have be researching at home remedies to get rid of ants and I found a simple make it yourself ant trap so today I made 4 of them using:

3 small baby food jars
1 large spag. sauce jar

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
and 2 tbsp Borax

Then you poor the mix into the containers and then fill with cotton balls
Pierce the lids to create small holes and twist back onto jars
Then you place the jars where you see the most ants
(In our case I put one on both sides of our kitchen sink
The largest underneath our sink
and one behind the toilet)

Here is the finished product
The goal is for the worker ants to gather this "Food" and take it back to the colony where the other ants feast on it and they slowly die off.

My only concern with this is that this isn't safe for our children or pets, thus being why they are in sealed jars. Tonight I will see how it is working and I may just switch to the safer child/pet friendly version of just baking soda and water.

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