Tuesday, April 20, 2010

6 month check-up

Sooooooooooooo today was the big day for my handsome, sweet, little boy of mine to go get checked out. I was so excited to see how well Michael was doing. Well here's for the good news.

Weight: 18lbs 11oz ~ 58%
Height: 27" ~ 70%
Head Circ.: 17" ~ 38%

For the Bad news:
1: His left eye has always been plugged since birth and still continues to drain like crazy, it has not gotten any better. So we are being reffered to a specialist to try and help with that problem. On top of that, his poor eye is infected, so now we have to put AntiB. drops in his eyes.

2: His head, His FLAT head. I don't know where I went wrong. At his 4 month the doc. asked me about his tummy time and I told her then that we had been working on it and so after that we were tummy all the time to try and correct the shape of his head. Well its still Flat. :( She said she was going to reffer us to yet another specialist and I said, well what can they do. Turns out that Michael might have to wear a helmet to shape his head, but not to worry they are really cute(i'm not kidding, these are EXACT words from the doc.) I am not worried if it's the ugliest darn cap on the planet, my son still has to wear the darn thing and I can't help but put the blame on me.

My husband is hardly ever home because of work so 85% on the time, I am Michael's number 1 caregiver. I am so down and I feel so guilty! I just don't know, I am trying so hard to do everything I can but it's not enough it seems like.

Honestly I thought I was on my own path and it was the right one but each day a new trail branches out and I find myself going a million different ways at once. I am getting to the point where I am in such self doubt it's having a negative effect on me, and my husband and Michael see it and feel it. I almost feel, no scratch that, I do feel like I need to go to school and have someone show me how to do this cause I just can't get it right.

3: He had to get his 3rd round of shots and we did the tylenol before hand but by the time he got his shots the tylenol was of no use for my poor baby, was in agony. Oh he screamed. After they were done I quickly picked him up and rocked him and he calmed down but once we were home a slight fever came on and my baby still doesn't feel well and his little chubby thighs are so tender. My heart aches for him.  

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Amy!!! I am so sorry you are having self doubt. I want you to know that you are 100 percent doing the right things for your son. He seems so happy! He's always smiling, he's healthy, you are doing GREAT! Brookelynn's eye was infected, and the antibiotic drops cleared it up in 2 days! So that should be really good! As far as the flat head, HOW flat is it? Brookelynn's head is totally flat when I look at it, but her dotor said that a certain degree of flatness is totally normal. I'd get a second opinion! Because his head doesn't look that flat! And don't blame yourself AT ALL! There is NOTHING you can do about that. Brookelynn HATES tummy time, she's on her back soooo muh! I have been trying to put her in her bouncer more...but she just LOVES to be on her back! What can we do? If you ever need help, or someone to talk to, to relate to, PLEASE let me know. You are NOT alone, and you are NOT doing anything wrong....you don't know just how normal you are! Congratulations on your BEAUTIFUL happy healthy baby boy!

OH AND...the shots at 6 months are the worst out of all of them. They are old enough to recognize danger, and understand what's going on....Brookelynn FLIPPED after her shots, and she didn't get a fever..but she is SO SORE. It's alll part of life!

AMOS you're amazing, don't get yourself down k??