Friday, March 9, 2012

Mr. Michael

Look at this amazing little boy

 How did I get so lucky?

Michael is at such an amazing stage right now. I am loving watching him grow and learn new things everyday. I am also amazed about what he already knows. I get daily shocks from him doing or saying something and I always find myself saying "Where did you learn that!?".

He is such a good helper. He puts the dishes in the sink when we are finished with them, sometimes not like Shelby's bottles. He hands Shelby toys when he sees that she doesn't have anything to play with. He will also wipe her mouth if she drools while I am out of the room. One of his favorite activities is helping me unload the dishwasher. He empties out everything he can and the items he can't he always says "It tuck" :) He enjoys helping with laundry. Throwing the items into the dryer and throwing the dryer sheet in. Then trying to close the door with a "Grrrrr" Haha. He has also lately insisted on helping me load the washer as well, including pouring the detergent in. 

He is about 75/25 when we are out an about. I noted to myself the other day when we got home that I didn't have to scold him once. I was so pleased with his good behavior. 

We are on the potty train wagon. He still hasn't quiet figured out when he needs to poop so we haven't switched to pull ups yet. He likes it hide and do his doody then run out with a surprise mom! He starts tugging at his pants when he has to go potty. He really enjoys to just sit on the toilet seat, no toddler seat. He just holds himself up to do his thing. Hey if it works for him then it works for me. He goes first thing in the morning and I always make sure to sit him down before bed. Then throughout the day he lets me know when he has to go, not every time but he is getting there.

His toys. The kid has a ga zillion toys. But hardly play with any of them. He likes to empty his toy bins and carry the totes around. He has figured out that some toys come apart and he will sit and inspect it, trying to piece it back together. I have a feeling building toys will be in our future.

Right now he is stuck on HoSee, Horse. Every animal that is large and has four legs is a HoSee. He shocked me the other day when we walked into our appointment at kaiser. They have Horse statues outside a window and we came in from the opposite side of the building and without me saying a word I hear Michael say "Where HoSee?" I couldn't believe he remembered that there was a Horse statue there. We were at target and I usually make a stop in the little dollar section and they had toy horses so I got him two. He makes a bee line for them every morning since he got them. 

He talks to EVERYONE. He is not shy AT ALL. I am such a shy person and very quiet. Michael draws attention everywhere we go and I am always flushed. My skin gets beat red and I get so warm. Of coarse Mike doesn't notice. He just does his own thing and tells everyone Hi. When people tell him Bye, he says "Bye see wu in da monin". We always say that to each other every night at bedtime. He says words but not a lot. He still babbles and you can't understand him at all. 

He is growing more and more independent. I keep our Bananas on top of the microwave. I woke up one morning to find three banana peels on the floor. I guess he decided he was hungry and helped himself. Then that same day I got into the shower and came out to find three more banana peels! Oh that child. An entire bundle of Bananas in ONE day. Now since the bananas are gone he is fishing for the apples. Also today I opened a box of fruit loops. It's once in a great while I buy sugar cereal like that, so it was a treat for him. I gave him a bowl and put the box on the counter not thinking about it. I went to go take my shower and noticed it was just way too quiet so I came out to check on him and he was sitting on the floor with his drum bucket between his legs, filled with the ENTIRE box of fruit loops. HA! I couldn't do anything but laugh. 

He loves getting out of the house. He knows that his jacket and shoes need to go on before we leave so he always grabs both and waits for me to help him. But as soon as we get into the car, his shoes and socks come off every time. I don't know why he does it, but he just does!

Michael has been going to bed at 9 every night like a champ. I take him to the bathroom, brush his teeth, put a diaper on him and his jammies. Lay him down with his milk and say our usually goodnight routine. Then I shut his door to just a crack and don't hear a peep from him. This is such bliss compared to many of the tantrum nights we have had with him. I used to turn on shows for him but decided that was not good for him and since then bed time has been pure bliss, I love it. He does however wake up every night, around 3 to come into our room. When Sean isn't home he crawls into bed and snuggles into me(he grabs my arms and puts it on top of his head?) but when Sean is home he lays on our dogs bed* that lays on the floor on Sean's side. 

I am guessing the Michael is a south paw. He draws, eats, & picks up everything with his left hand. He does his little circling with his left hand on his cheek as well. It surprises me since neither Sean or myself are left handed. 

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