Wednesday, September 22, 2010

11 months!

Michael, my sweet, sweet Michael. My have he grown quickly. Too quickly. Michael is almost 1 year. It's hard to believe. This has been the most exciting year of my life. Every day has been a new adventure and my how much has the little one learned. It's amazing. It's almost like you can watch their mind working on trying to figure out how to do something new. Michael is walking all over the place and it really is funny to watch. He reminds me a lot of a drunken sailor. He uses his right hand for balance so it's always in a fist and held up at his side and the left arm just flails away as he walks to wherever he wants to go. We are still in a size 4 diaper. I thought about switching him to a 5 because I don't like things to fit just right, to me just right, is just to snug so I like things to be a little loose. Well I tried out a size fit and instead of being a little loose Michael went for a swim so I decided to hold off on the 5 for a while. Michael is in 18 to 24 months size clothes, 24 months/2T. He hates drinking water on his own but if it's from my bottle or from my glass with ice he's right there gulping it down. I have been a nervous ninny with introducing real food to Michael. For some reason I just don't want to cause havoc in his tummy until after he's a year old. I want to make sure his system is ready, well I wanted to anyways. My hubby's parents were here visiting for about a week and well, Michael tried a lot of different things. Not only because of my in laws, but because I thought, well what's it going to hurt, a little of this and a little of that. Well a little of this and that caused a lot of gas in the little ones tummy and I couldn't figure out what was wrong until it just finally dawned on me. I haven't had to deal with his gas issue since he was 3 months old. Not much has really changed from him turning 10 months to 11 months except we are off the bottle, and he's walking. My next post with be the big 1, literally!

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