Sunday, June 24, 2012

I go potty, I did it!

Just a little update on my growing little man. He is going potty all on his
Own while we are at home. He has decided to use his duck potty as his thrown choice. I leave him in boxers all day and he goes potty all on his own whenever he has the urge. I know when he goes cause I hear "I go potty I did it!" I thought we were going to have a problem with going #2 in the potty when we first started this process but a few days ago it was like
Mike woke up and knew what to do. He started going poo in his potty on his own :) He goes on his own and starts squealing I go poopy, yay I did it! He is fascinated with the disposing and flushing process. Haha boys! He wears pull ups at nap and bed time and when we leave the house. He doesn't tell us he needs to go potty when we are running around but if we ask him he will go. A funny thing about him learning to go on his own though is he thinks his boxers are dirty every time he goes potty so he changes them just like we would have done with a wet diaper. I'm glad I invested in a few packs of boxers cause we go through them quickly. He puts his "yucky" boxers in the hamper and goes
To the dresser and pulls a fresh pair out. I am so happy with my little guy.

1 comment:

Rox said...

That's amazing! We just started on Saturday and I'm hoping Ferris grasps it as well (and as FAST) as Michael. Good job!