Sunday, May 6, 2012

My little engineer

I have found myself lately getting extremely frustrated with Michael. I just could not understand why he would not play with his gazillion toys. Yea he would sit and play for small amounts of time but not really PLAY. Other friends have posted pictures of their little ones the same age, playing, and I feel myself getting really discouraged. Each day presents a new challenge and my current dilemma is just trying to find out who this kid is. Well my friends. It has finally hit me and I really do not know why I hadn't thought of this sooner. 

I am sure Michael has an imagination, but I don't think it's a vivid one. 
I think Michael runs on a more technical scale. When we have taken something apart, Michael is right there watching our every move. Then he proceeds with his toy screw driver, hammer, and wrench to fix things that need fixin around the house. I feel Michael would be more than content if I gave him a broken electronic and handed him real tools that he would be more than happy to rip the thing apart. 

I know it is still to soon to really tell and I completely understand that he is a growing boy. Changing and learning every day. 

I will still encourage him to play with his toys but not force him. If he wants to inspect something I will do just the same.

On a side note. My husband Sean is the exact same way. His mother told me that Sean would tear every toy he had apart and rebuild it rather than play. (So in more ways than just this, we are raising a mini daddy.)

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