Monday, June 20, 2011

35 wks 3 days

I am currently 35 wks and 3 days pregnant with Baby number 2. This time first round I was in and out of the hosp. for observation and was admitted when I was 36wks and induced at 37. I am just wondering how it will all lay out this time around. So far I am not getting my dizzy spells like I was last time but everyday I am noticing more and more just how much water I am retaining. I had beginning stages for preeclampsia with my son so we shall see if things follow the same path this time around. It doesn't feel like I have to much longer to go though. I am also starting to get into that nesting stage. The last couple weeks I have been exhausted and find myself falling asleep at the drop of a dime but lately I have been up and on the move, doing a million things at once(which I shouldn't be). I never went through this with Michael so this just adds to my feelings of this lil babes' arrival soon!

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