Friday, April 15, 2011

26 weeks and Name Game!

So my due date was adjusted by one day, wow, I know right. So instead of July 21, I am now due July 22 :) I had an ultrasound two Wednesdays ago and here's the update. The measured the amount of Amniotic fluid and my levels were normal, NORMAL. I was sooo happy to hear that. Baby has got plenty of room to move and breath and GROW. The also looked at my placenta and before I had placenta previa. My placenta was touching my cervix at and angle but wasn't covering it which would have been a complete placenta previa. My placenta is no longer touching my cervix and is slowly moving up and away. Whoo Hoo. This greatly reduces the need for a c-section which I am so relieved about. I am so scared at the thought of having to have one but I know if it is necessary then it is going to have to be done. I think I am just so scared at the thought because you can't see whats going on. My whole life, every time I went to the docs, I had to see what they were doing. I was so intrigued. Going to the dentist always freaked me out cause you can't see anything. So same with the c-section they put that awful curtain up and you have NO IDEA whats going on til they announce the baby's arrival. Well enough with that dreaded talk. Good news is that my two major problems have corrected themselves.

Name Game
Boy oh Boy. This is soo tuff. I don't know why its so hard either. I never thought I would be one of those people that had to see the baby before it was named but its looking to go that way. I am not saying that it is a bad thing, I am just saying I thought I would have found the one name I liked and that would be that. I had girls names picked out for a long time and my husband and I agreed with one when we found out we were pregnant with Michael. When we found out he was a boy I was a total mess when it came to names. I was getting so frustrated that my husband said, how about we just name him after your dad. I liked my dads name, so I said yes. so that was that. No major story behind it. This time around I don't want to take the easy way out. I was a different name. A unique name. A name that you don't hear hardly at all, if ever. Michael is such a common name and is still used so much now a days. I can't picture my Michael with a different name. The boy name we had originally agreed upon we shared with our family and close friends and the response we got, pure laughter. Not just giggles, but MASS HYSTERIA. The only people who don't laugh but aren't quite sure of the name are people our age. My close friend loves the name and said it's a VERY strong name, and I keep trying to hold that in my thoughts. I told my friend that I have been judged and laughed at my entire life. That I don't need one more thing for people to poke fun at me. She agreed. My husband and I can't agree on any other names though. He likes his certain names but I don't like the way they sound and the names I like my husband does like but only as middle names. So it's been ruff. I am sure we will come across a few names we can agree on. So for now I will continue this name game.

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