Monday, March 29, 2010

Am I doing this right?

There are sooo many people that had their babies around the same time as me. If not around the same day the same week or same month. Some even a month or two ahead. I can't help but feel like I am doing everything wrong. I look at my son and think am I am not doing enough. I feel like maybe I am taking my time on feeding him rice cereal or baby food. Even when I start should I buy it or make it? Is my son where he should be? He hasn't rolled over from back to belly, does this mean something is wrong? He seems happy, but is he really? I just feel helpless and lost. I try to listen to advice but sometimes I don't feel like that advice is right for me. I always wanted to be a mom and now that I am I wouldn't change it for the world. Being a mom is the greatest gift. I just wish that I felt like no matter what I am doing, it's right for my son. I want him grow up knowing I did everything I could for him and right now, I don't feel that way. I just wonder if I am doing this right?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Amy- I know you are writing this in response to my blog (and probably someone else's too) But I hope you know that I wonder the same thing!! Everything says NOT to give your baby solid food until 6 months....and I gave it to her WAY early. I just felt she was ready! YOU know your baby WAY better than anyone else does, and you will do what is right for him. You're an amazing mother. Don't let outside pressures make you feel any less. And know that you are NOT ALONE!! I always feel like what I'm doing is wrong. I commend you for speaking about it! You are an amazing mother. Your son is happy, healthy and he will always know how much you love him. I miss you Amy! Please take care, feel confident in all that you do! You are an AMAZING mother!!!