Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Time to get crackin

SO pretty much my entire pregnancy all I could think about was what I was going to do about my weight after I had the baby. Well now that I am 7 weeks post delivery it's time I put my thoughts to the pavement, literally. I am going to start walking until I am able to save up enough money for a bike trailer for the kids. I absolutely hate walking on pavement, but I love walking on a treadmill, I know it's funny. I absolutely love riding my bike so when I get some $ for the BT, I will be on my bike toting the kids along behind me.

I have also been working on a menu plan so I make sure I stick to a strict diet plan and don't veer off. If I don't know what I am going to eat ahead of time I am more than likely to throw something quick into the oven rather than prepare what I should be eating. When I was in HS I joined up LA weight loss and lost 80lbs and through them learned a bunch of healthy foods. So if I can get a menu that consists of 5 small meals and snacks in between throughout the day and nothing past 5pm into a 7day menu plan I'll be set. One of my biggest weaknesses is pasta. I know that if I completely cut that out, that's all I will crave so if I give myself a small allowance of pasta(maybe wheat) I shouldn't crave it too badly.

I have also been thinking about joining planet fitness. They are really cheap and there is no contract which I think is wonderful. From the pictures the place looks great. My only set back is there is no child care and with  two little ones, it will be hard to go. I know that walking and or riding my bike will not be enough to lose the amount of weight that I need to lose and if I want my body to look somewhat normal I know I will need to lift weights along with everything else.

I am hoping to have my menu in order my Monday and hopefully for the last time I will start my new journey, for a lifetime, and please say your prayers that I am able to stick to it, cause my kids need me, and I need to do this more than anything for myself, my body has put up with me for 25 years, now its time to put up with my body :)

1 comment:

Bronco said...

Amy this is dad I hope you can work yourself out of the unhappy zone and concentrate on the good things in your life so many people have it so much worse. hold onto God he will always guide and comfort you. Love always DAD.