Tuesday, September 6, 2011



That my son is getting to an age where he can be on his own and listen to my requests

That Michael is able to help me pick up his toys, open the gate, get into his car seat, close doors, the list goes on and on

Michael giving Shelby kisses at random times and that he is so concerned when she cries

That my son is not Jealous of his Little sister

How excited Michael gets when there is a airplane in the sky, especially small personal planes 

When Michael and Landon play together, oh the giggles and tail wags :)

When Shelby looks at me with a watchful eye and just cracks into a HUGE GRIN

That my husband works so hard to support our family, even though we are separated from one another most of the time.

The cool summer nights

I love being a wife and mother

The simple things in life are the best of life, and life is good :)

1 comment:

Rox said...

What a great post and a great reminder for us all to count our blessings.