Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Have I ever mentioned how much I love Costco? Well I do. I love the prices and the value. I also don't understand why I wasn't a member before Michael came along lol. Diapers are sooo much cheaper at Costco, and you get sooo much more. The number one reason I love Costco is because of their formula. For 10 months of Michael's life I was a stay at home mommy meaning we were a one income only family trying to support 3. I don't know about you but I sure couldn't afford a 30 dollar can of formula on my own. A friend told me about the Kirkland brand and they were the same, so I compared and for the most part they were. So for 20 bucks I got 2 cans of formula instead of paying 25 for just 1. Michael has been on the Kirkland brand his entire life except the one month we were out in Ohio (my aunt brought me enfamil ). I think Kirkland is right up there with the name brand stuff. My only guff is that the kirkland formulas powder is a little thick compared to the similac or enfamil power. Those ones are super fine and don't fome up the bottle, but other than that, I think its great. And I haven't gone down to wic to try and apply for that, because then I know I would get coupons for the more expensive name brand stuff, and I know that I can get by, and that there are more needy people out there than me. Anyway I am going off into a whole different subject. So it's getting to be birthday/holiday/fall/winter season so toys and coats are out for purchase. I knew we were going to have to get Michael a coat and I have been looking at the used baby clothes stores but wasn't really finding anything that I liked or didn't think it was a good deal. Well let me tell you. We went to Costco and my hubby picked up this really nice red jacket and it was only 20 bucks! I was like I like that one, but then I saw a darker blue with some thin black stripes and really liked that one so we ended up getting this thick terrific winter jacket for 20 bucks. I walked around and started talking with my hubby that the jacket was going to be great for really cold days but wouldn't it be to much for not so cold days. My hubby agreed and we ended up finding a carters reversible jacket for 17 bucks! Man it feels like winning the lottery, haha, I know its sad, but when your on a budget and can't afford a whole lot and find great things like this, you get excited, what can I say? Anyways so we got the two jackets, and of coarse I still looked around and found mittens! These cute black mittens, with the softest lining. I had to have those to. 11 bucks. Good deal. I know this is a ramble but I was just feeling happy about my find and wanted to share.

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