I wanted to capture this amazing time in my life in writing so here is for a long but hopefully interesting read!
Early January 09:
I was on the road with Sean in the truck and boom I got a nasty cold. At the time I had been smoking. After the cold was in full force I lit one up to find myself gaging at the horrible taste. I decided I would wait to cold off and not smoke for a few days. Well after a few days my cold seemed to have gone away and so I tried to lite one up and boom I was gagging again at the taste. I decided right then and there that I had already gone a few days without smoking why even start up again. So that was that, I was no longer a smoker.
Late January 09:
I had enough, I was done living my overweight lifestyle. It was time for a change. I quit drinking coffee, soda, tea, juice. All I ingested fluid wise was WATER. I started eating tons of salads and stopped eating pasta and all these horrible things for me. I stayed far away from fast food except subway. After a couple weeks man I felt great. Better than I had in a long long time. I thought to myself you can do this!
February 09:
My friend had her birthday on the 19 and just as a joke she said I should take a pregnancy test. I told her there wasn't any way I would be pregnant. The joke was that she had her son on the 19 and then found out a year later on the 19 that she was pregnant again. So to keep the tradition going somebody needed to have a baby or find out they were pregnant on February 19. Well the 19 came and went and I didn't even bother taking a pregnancy test. I just laughed at the thought. Well I was on the road with Sean and after a couple days I realized that Aunt Flow hadn't visited me for the week yet at all this month. I talked to Sean about it and we agreed to stop by a little shop and get a prego test just to see but really we both thought it would be the same as it always had been. Lets rewind to the beginning of our trip though. Driving to the warehouse to pick up the rig I had smelt nothing but burnt popcorn! It was awful and I smelled it everywhere. Sean said it was probably something in the air and it would go away. Well all the rest of the way in Oregon I still smelled burnt popcorn (clue # 1). We then stopped at a subway and Sean got his regular and I got mine and as we were eating driving down the road and I smelled Sean's sandwich and my nose was in heaven. I needed a bite of that darn thing. Sean gave me the funniest look because I was just savoring the wonderful flavor of his sandwich. Now let me tell you I hate onions, banana peppers, oil and vinegar & Sean's sandwich was loaded with it all! (clue # 2) So we get into upper mid Cali and driving past all the farming fields when I smell green onion fields and I couldn't stop smelling the air. I had never enjoyed the smell of onion so much (Clue # 3). So back to the end of the week when I realized no aunt flow (clue # 4) I got a prego test and we went to the hotel. This was on Friday February 27, 09. Sean went to go get some ice and while he was out I took the prego test and placed it on the counter and right away PLUS SIGN! I thought there is no way, NO WAY, but it didn't fade it stayed that way. I had to sit down and gather my thoughts. Sean got back to the room and looked at me and I told me to go look at the counter top. He went over and looked at the test and looked at me. He then took the test and walked over to the directions and looked at the test and then directions and then back at the test and then finally he said "Does this mean what I think it means? I looked at him and tears filled my eyes and I said "I'm pregnant, we're gonna have a baby." Sean came over to me and fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around me and we both cried. Never in my life I had felt such an overwhelming feeling of joy. I was pregnant. What an amazing feeling. And as far as the joke went it turned out that if I would have taken that darn test on the 19th, it would have been positive!
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