Christmas Day I woke up to a very lovely kiss from my husband wishing me a merry Christmas and saying how thankful he was for the gift that was giving to us and we both looked over to our sleeping miracle. We both took a moment to just soak in the thought of him. We gave each other our stockings and opened them together. We got Michael up and woke my brother up and called our mom. Once mom got there she gave us our stocking and we opened them. We all got silly string like we have for a few years now and Jake decided to go to town with his. Jake passed the presents out and then we all started opening gifts. Michael didn't enjoy much of anything since he slept the whole time but Sean and I had so much fun opening the gifts for him(even the ones we bought for him!) After we were done with gifts, Jake took Landon on a walk and when we got back we bombarded him with silly string! Aw what fun. Thank goodness he was in a good mood and just laughed about it. Mom went home and Jake had to get ready to go to his girlfriends house to meet her mom and dad for the first time(they had only been dating two years!) Sean played his new game and I started to clean. The tree came down and so did all the decorations. I couldn't stand to look at our tree any longer. I take pride in my Xmas tree and my mother always says I go Martha Stewart this time of year. This year the cats went nuts with the tree before I even had a chance to decorate it so I just said no decorations or anything. That lasted a week so I went to the dollar store and bought 5 strands of golds beads with small bulbs on them and wrapped them around the tree. The cats had a blast with those. Branches came out, bent down, the strands were all over the place thus dubbing this years tree the charlie brown tree. We cleaned up all the boxes and I wrapped up all the decorations around the house and they went into storage. Ahh first year that had ever happened. To top off our wonderful day we had a yummy ham and scalloped taters. :) All in all we had a wonderful Christmas together especially as it was our first.
Oooo the boy loved his treats!
Merry Christmas Michael Mommy and Daddy Love u!
Michael with his Build a Bear and Seahorse
Jake with all his silly string
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