I wish I was one of those great bloggers but truth is I blog when I really think about it. I always find myself thinking about blogging when we are doing fun family things, or feeling like venting, but then I get distracted with life and just continue to do my reading of other blogs.
A lot has been happening in my crazy life the past few months. So much crazy that I am constantly reminding myself of the picture and caption I wrote to that picture at midnight on New Year's Eve. "Welcome 2013! Looking forward to all the blessings this year will bring." If I were to sum this year in one word in these short 5 months into the year, I would say "blessed"
My last blog was about a huge blessing in our life. My husband started a new job! He is now a little over a month in and, WOW. The relief that both Sean and I feel from this switch is beyond amazing. He works for such a great company that cares for its employees and their families. We feel so taken care, and that we are finally climbing up. My biggest relief, we are officially a full time family. Sean's feet walk through our front door EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. His schedule is crazy with work hours but his main work hours are from 9pm to 11am. Every Friday Sean's company donates food to the food banks but fills a bag for every employee to come home with. My favorite treat we have gotten so far was 2 bags of organic corn flake cereal with granola clusters. So sweet and healthy and the kids just gobbled it up! Sean also is able to shop at the company store where he can buy damaged goods. An example would be that he bought a 30lb bag of organic dog food for $5! All because it had a small tear and wouldn't have been able to be sold In a regular store. July 9 Sean will be Eligible for company benefits and from what he has heard, they are pretty great. God heard our prayers, and only him I can thank for this remarkable transition in our lives!
2) My dearest friend got married! On Easter Sunday I watched two people make a huge wonderful commitment and it was beautiful! I was maid of honor so I was a busy lady helping my friend prep for her huge day. The night before I stayed with her in the hotel and helped with last minute prep, making the bouquet's, and I hand stitched with blue thread 3-31-13 onto the bottom of the brides dress so when lifted up you could read the date, and it was her something blue. The wedding was short and sweet and sometimes a bit chaotic and un-organized but that is the way the newlyweds lives are on a day to day basis. Their wedding suited them, and their lives, and neither would have changed a single thing. I have seen pictures and am in absolute heaven over a few of the photos. There is a picture of Mike in his adorable little suit and glasses, with spiked hair. Completely reminded me of the little boy from Jerry Maguire. MELTED MY HEART. Michael was quite the entertainer at the wedding. He heard music and wanted to dance so we told him to go dance, and dance he did! He had everyone's attention as he danced around the floor in the center of the room. I heard compliments all around and my heart swelled so big I thought it would burst. I was so proud of my little guy, his confidence, and lack of shyness amazes me!
Speaking of my friend, she needed a huge favor from me. One that would shake mine, my husbands, and kids schedule up for 2 months. Her babysitter quit on short notice and she was in a terrible bind and asked me if I could please step in to help her. I talked it over with my husband and his decision was to support me in whatever I decided to do. I weighed over how difficult this would be but ultimately decided that my friend needed me, that's that. Every Sunday the kids and I pack up and drive the 2 hour trek south to Eugene. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I watch her two kids ages 6(boy) and 4(girl) along with my 2. My friend and I switch vehicles for those 3 days and I drive her Van so I can take her son to kindergarten and pick him up. On Wednesday around 5pm the kids and I pack up and drive home. I am not going to lie, this has tested my patience and very soul to the core. It's hard watching 4 kids 6 and under all day. By the time my Nicole gets home, I am completely exhausted. She takes Mike with her and her kids to the lpark and let's me stay at the house with Shells to wind down. Which is lovely. We have our own room to stay in and the kids are getting used to the sleeping sced. There. Early bedtime and early rise time. I have 5 more weeks left and believe me when I say both Nicole, and myself will be happy when it's over. Nicole told me she's so happy when we leave and I told her the feeling is mutual. We both feel the stress of all the kids. Usually when we would go visit on weekends the kids played great together, but I was there to parent my 2 and her with her two, now I am referee to 4 kids.
I am typing this all from my phone so I will end for now and do my best to write another post tomorrow. And update on jake and his job, my job, and life in general.
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