Sunday, February 5, 2012

Shell's @ 7 months

Our sweet little Shelby turned 7 months old on Jan 29. I haven't blogged about her in a really long time so here is a review of how my little girl is growing.

Her 6 month well child check up was on the 30.
She weighed 16 pounds and is 26 inches long.
Her ped. said she was getting long but staying on the narrow side. 

She is eating baby food like a champ. We gave her, her first bite of food the day she turned six months old. They were peas, and it did not go well. Since then we have graduated to liking green beans, banana, pears, squash, & sweet potato. But she will not stand for carrots or applesauce. I think that's funny because Michael would not touch applesauce either. 

After we started feeding her the baby food along with her cereal (oatmeal, rice, & mixed grain) She wanted nothing to do with her bottle. She just kept spitting it out. I upped the amount of formula in her cereal just so she would still get the nutrients but her little body was not handling the lack of liquid. At first I thought it was because she saw Michael eating and that's what she wanted to do. (she does get really mad if he is eating and she is not) Then I thought about the bottle nipple's. I had Sean go buy a faster flow and we made that change and  bada bing bada boom, she was sucking those bottles back they were going out of style. I was on top of all this with Michael but it just zipped right past me with Shell's. 

She is also holding her bottle. I notice it's easier for her if it's a 4oz. compared to her 8oz bottles, or if it a larger(rounder) bottle. 

This girl is on the move as well. She rolls around all over the floor and each day gets closer to crawling. Last night I walked around the corner to find her rear all the way up in the air with her on her tippy toes but her face was planted into the carpet. She hasn't figured out how to use her arms and legs together yet, but she is almost there. I put things out of her reach and she will roll around until she gets to it. 

The bouncer. FAVORITE. Oh the smiles and giggles I see out of that child when she gets to bounce around is to die for. The music activates when she moves and she just goes to town. She shakes the arms because she jumps so much and at times really hard.

Her hair is getting thicker and finally starting to grow in the back. She still has a really small, like quarter size bald spot but it's slowly filling in. It's getting longer and longer in the sides and top and curls like crazy. It used to be just curly when her hair was wet but then it would dry super straight when her hair was really thin but the thicker it gets the more curl is wanting to stay. I am also able to give her little pigtails or a pony which I LOVE. He is just too stinkin cute when I put her hair up but she does seem like they give her more of a tude. When she gets mad her features pop out more.

The nicknames
Shell's, Shelly, sissy,  and what I use to always get her attention is Shel Shel.
 Michael calls her Shebie

She is in a size two diaper and in 6-9 months size clothing. She still wears a size 1 shoe but not for much longer.

Still no teeth but I have a feeling the top are going to pop through before the bottom ones will. 

Bath time is still debatable with her. She seems to like being in the water cause she will splash around but she is soooo so serious during bath time. She just is so focused and doesn't smile during bath time. Ha. 

This girl is a smiling machine and laughs at just about anything. She will be rolling around and all I have to do is say "What are you doing little girl" and I kid you not that girl will bust out some big ol hearty laughs. When we are out and about people are almost drawn to her and always saying, My aren't you a happy girl. She watches people and follows them and almost always flashes a pretty smile when they make eye contact. 

 She really has lit up our lives and although she was not a planned addition she certainly has become a very welcomed one to all of us. Michael adores his sis and she adores him. 

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