Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This bambino is a movin and a groovin

Well on Friday I am 30 weeks preggers! Wow 10 weeks and counting. Maybe 7 if my body decides it wants to end being pregnant sooner. Ah yi yi. Bets have been placed on whether its a girl or a boy. My mom and bestie both swear its a girl. My mom says it was be awesome if we had another boy because we have everything and they can share a room and also because boys are easier for her lol. But if its a girl we still have everything but clothes but I am not worried about that. This baby has been moving so much lately. I am in awe and just loving it. This baby is moving around the same time Michael really started moving to. I feel the baby so much during the day. My belly jumps A LOT. Its so neat to not feel anything and then all of the sudden BAM! I have also had a few small contractions and they come and go and are very random. I am hoping this isn't the start to pre term labor because I am not ready to be done yet! At first I thought it was just that baby rolling around in my lower tummy but it was uncomfortable. When it happened again I felt my tummy and it was a little hard. I put the two together and remembered oh yea these are contractions. I don't remember the light ones at all. I just remember the extremely painful ones I had for 24 hours straight with very little to no relief. I am looking forward to seeing my belly really move. I used to lay in bed and just watch my belly for hours at night. Michael looked like a little alien rolling around. Coolest feeling ever. I have also been on an emotional roller coaster lately. I plan on talking to my OB about this on the 19 but would like advice from other mommies who have had other children. My heart strings are being pulled major lately and I feel awful. I have finally accepted this baby, am in total love with this baby, & can't wait to meet this baby. However I look at Michael and how much I cherish all of our time together and all I can think about is how much that will change. I broke down in tears the other day because of how I was feeling. Its Michael and I first thing in the morning until we go to bed at night. Just us when we go shopping or just having a lazy day at home. We have plenty of cuddle time together. I have just been feeling like this baby is going to change that. I also feel like I won't be as close to this baby because I won't have that one on one bonding time like I had with Michael. I have talked to other mommies and I guess this is somewhat normal but I have been feeling really down. I just need to hear some encouraging words, maybe things others did to help them get through these feelings. 

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