Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Michael Update

I have not posted an update on Michael in a long while and it is way over due. My little guy has grown so much since his 1st birthday. I have a 16 month on going on who knows what age. He is totally and completely MR. INDEPENDENT. Yea he has his moments where he needs his mama but most of the time, leave him ALONE. Haha. He has learned how to climb up onto the couch, which scares me, but he is figuring out how to get down. When we are in our recliner, Michael will grab hold of our feet and pull himself up. He loves giving kisses and getting bear hugs. Two days ago I was giving Michael a hug and he just patted me on my back, melted my heart. I don't know where he learned it from but I love it and am going to look forward to my pats on the back. Anything and Everything is a phone to that kid. If it can be put up to his ear, he talks on it. Oh and he TALKS. He gets his arms moving almost like he is making a speech and if your not listening to him boy does that kid make sure he gets your full attention. He loves giving high fives, shaking hands, pointing to his nose, and he has almost gotten the hang of where his ears are. The kid loves to run. He gets these burst of energy and runs from one side of the living room to the other. When we are outside he stomps his feet on the sidewalk while he runs. He is still so curios about everything. Not so much in that stage anymore where all these new things have to go into his mouth. I am not sure how much our little bug weighs but I am guessing near the 30lbs if not exceeding that weight. My friends 2 1/2 year old weighs just a little under what Michael feels like so I guess we will just have to wait and see at his 18 month well child check up. Everywhere we go people give us looks because of the way Michael talks which is a lot of babbles and they cock their heads and ask how old he is. We tell them and they look like they get a sigh of relief and say "Oh that explains it, he is just so tall for his age." I swear people and their comments just need to keep it to themselves. Where people learned to comment on others people's kids to the parents is just beyond me! Michael has just about 11 teeth. He has had two hair cuts since his 1st birthday. This last one he had I got most of it chopped off and totally regretted in once we got home. I like the longer hair on him. It just fits who he is better. So next time we go in it will be just for a trim. Michael also loves dancing. Music's on, his jam-min out to it. Whether in the store, the car, or at home, if he hears it he's dancing. It also depends on what type of music it is to, he loves him some hip hop and pop. He  dances slowly to any type of country music. He is just to cute. Well I think that is enough for now. If I think of anything else I will post later along with some new pics. Michael is just the best little guy, I love him so much!

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