Monday, August 16, 2010

10 Months!

Saturday August 14, the little one(although not so little anymore) turned 10 months old! I just can't wrap my mind around this yet, I still see my baby, so new and dependant, but everyday I am realizing that he is curious, & growing more and more independant. I am sure 2 months from now I will be worse off than I am now, I will have a one year old and my gosh, has this been the fastest year of my life. Well here is what Michael is up to at 10 Months.

He is still on the bottle. I had a goal to have him rid of the bottle by this time but it hasn't quite crossed over completly. We try everyday and sometimes he does great and other days he doesn't want anything to do with it. One of these days I am going to put my foot down and not let him have his way, but for right now, as long as he is trying, I can deal with it. We have almost every kind of sippy cup out there to see if he perfers one over the other. He likes the one with the straw but thats hit and miss. There is one that he does great with (more of sportsbottle top) but the flow is so fast it gets everywhere when he drinks, but he's got that one down. The kinds with the spouts he is not interested in AT ALL. He just chews.

Diapers are a size 4 but I have a feeling size 5 will be here sooner than I had thought

Clothes are 18 months and up, we have started going into 2t jammies

Michael eat cereal around noon and jarred baby food in the evening, but I think its time to start feeding him 3x's a day instead of the two. He isn't satisfied like he used to be. He has defently become aware that our food is different than he and he wants it. He always stands next to us while we are eating with his mouth open like a little birdy waiting to be fed. He really like "our" food. He is not a fan of applesauce at all. I thought it was because he has tried the kind with cinnamon but we got the regular stuff and it was the same face "what was that?!?!?!?!? and get it out of my mouth!!!!!!!"

He is almost walking. So close to taking those first steps with no help or support. For two months he has been walking along the couch using both hands and has been using two hands to stand up, but now he's down to one hand and cruising along the couch no problem. He reaches the end and tries to take a step but plops down. We bought him a push walker, @ first he would just stand up, then he would take a step then plop down, then he would take 3 or 4 steps and tip over, but now he pushes that thing all over, and fast.

He has discoverd his hands make noise when he hits things so now he hits everything and just giggles.

He has become more interested in everything else but his toys(stereo wires, shoes"favorite")

He pulls his bib off when he is done eating

Sleeping, has been a challenge. I had it easy the for a while when he slept through the night, but now, he doesn't go to bed until after 11 and wakes up about every 3 hours. He takes multiple short naps through out the day. I know he is waking up because he is hungry, this confirming that I need to start feeding him more fulfilling foods throughout the day.

There is more, but I'll post later.

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