I know people with kiddos, but all those kids are older than Michael. He does love being around other kids though. He is so intrigued at what these bigger "little" people do. Lately however I have been wanting to find more people who have babies that are Michael's age, if not a month or so older or a month or so younger. I just want him to know what it's like to be around babies who are on the same level as him. I am not sure where to go to meet mommies with babies. I love going to cafe' sip n' play. Maybe I can figure out a weekly play date with at least one person just so Michael has a buddy. I want more for my son than I had growing up, I just need to put myself out there and meet some mommies!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
That lovely baby fever
Every month that goes by, I find myself (and my husband to) missing that newborn stage. One week I will be talking about another baby and my husband is right there to bring me back to reality. Then the next week he will be talking about another one, and I right there to bring him back. It's nice that we balance each other out this way. We want another baby, but know right now is not the time. I would love to lose some weight before another one comes along. Not only for my health, but for Michael as well. I want him to see a mom who has control over her life, and not see a mom who's life is controlled by her weight. I would also love to have more financial stability. Not feel so freaked out everyday about money. If another one happens sooner than getting these goals set, then it happens and we will just have to adjust. But as long as we keep grounding ourselves in "reality" I think we can hold off for a while longer. But for now, looking back at this "Oh so precious moment, and sound" will help keep my baby fever at bay.
Iwo Jima; Notes by PFC. Paul Rodocker
My grandfathers funeral was today. I wasn't able to attend, but to honor his memory I thought I would share a letter he had written to his family during his campaign in Iwo Jima. His letter was published in the 2001 edition of "Veteran's Magazine".
A Zanesville marine on Iwo Jima has written a vivid account of his trip to the island and his battle experience on "The eight square miles of Hell". He is Pfc. Paul Rodocker, whose wife, Margaret, lives with their two children, Mary Margaret and Paul Jeffrey.
February 17, 1945
Please excuse this writing if it is hard to read because I am writing under very poor conditions. I'm on a ship and it seems like we're riding a roller coaster at times. The boat I'm on is headed for a big "party". I guess you know what that means. In this outfit, it means someone is going to get hurt. By the time you get this, the papers will no doubt have all the details for you to read. I can't tell you where we are, but I can say it's a hell of a lot farther from home than I care to be. We have been aboard for over a week now and are really getting the "itch" to put our feet on some solid earth - even if we do have to dig a hole in quite a hurry to enjoy it more and longer.
Ever since I joined the corps, I have wondered how I would feel when this time finally came. I thought I would be unusually nervous and fussy, but I don't believe there was ever a time in my life when I was more calm or composed than I am now. Maybe it's just the lull before the storm. After it's over with I'll let you know it it was or not. All the fellows are taking it good. One would think we were just going out to enjoy a day of deep sea fishing to hear the guys cutting up. Everyone of us knows that a lot of marines are going no further than the beach, but I guess we all figure the same way, that it was probably be some other "Poor Joe" and let it go at that. Anyways, if a guy lets himself dwell too much on that angle, he'd crack in a hurry.
The weather had been treating us rather kindly, but this morning we ran into a few squalls. We sleep out on the open deck and at nights it's quite cool, but wonderful sleeping. The only thing you have to do is keep your fingers crossed that you don't get conked on the head by some heavy object that lets loose with the roll of the ship.
We're eating very good meals/ I can't understand why they are feeding us so well. I know it's not because they like us. Ha! Ha! (We are on a Navy ship). All joking aside though, we got plenty of respect for our navy and without them to protect us while we make the landing, it would be impossible.
While we lie around and wait, we have some nice poker and dice games. When I say nice, I mean if you are lucky enough, you can win yourself enough to buy a home in one afternoon.
February 28Th
Well, gang, here I am back again and the worst is over... I hope! I', well secured in a foxhole while finishing this letter and believe-you-me, in your foxhole is one place it pays to stay. In the daytime it's not so bad, but when night falls you can expect most anything to happen. The first couple nights were really hell and everyone of us thought it would be our last. The damn mortars dropping all around our hole really makes me want to pray. That's where these Japanese really get dividends and they sure take advantage of their skill. We don't consider rifle fire anything, it's the heavy artillery and mortar fire that keeps you sweating.
I'm on Iwo Jima, one of the Volcano islands, very close to Tokyo's front yard. On the end of this island is a volcano. It's mostly black sand and easy to dig but not very good protection once you do get a hole. I sure hope this volcano doesn't start acting up. I'm afraid the Marine Corps couldn't do much about that, but I'll bet you couldn't make the Japanese believe that. The other night, Tokyo Rose said that "Japan didn't declare war on the Marine Corps, anyways she declared war on our Army and Navy." We sure got a laugh out of that one. All joking aside, though, we all know that one is just as important as the other.
I had my hands on lots of things I would like to bring back, but I got so damn much gear of my own that I can't take advantage of the opportunity. Well, gang, hope this find you all OK. When I get home you are going to see one of the most satisfied guys on earth.
Your buddy,
I am more than proud of the man I called my Grandpa. He was a strong man with a delightful personality and a heart made of gold. He loved his family. I am going to miss him but his memory will forever be alive in our hearts.
The time has finally come for you to reunite with grandma, we love you.
A Zanesville marine on Iwo Jima has written a vivid account of his trip to the island and his battle experience on "The eight square miles of Hell". He is Pfc. Paul Rodocker, whose wife, Margaret, lives with their two children, Mary Margaret and Paul Jeffrey.
February 17, 1945
Please excuse this writing if it is hard to read because I am writing under very poor conditions. I'm on a ship and it seems like we're riding a roller coaster at times. The boat I'm on is headed for a big "party". I guess you know what that means. In this outfit, it means someone is going to get hurt. By the time you get this, the papers will no doubt have all the details for you to read. I can't tell you where we are, but I can say it's a hell of a lot farther from home than I care to be. We have been aboard for over a week now and are really getting the "itch" to put our feet on some solid earth - even if we do have to dig a hole in quite a hurry to enjoy it more and longer.
Ever since I joined the corps, I have wondered how I would feel when this time finally came. I thought I would be unusually nervous and fussy, but I don't believe there was ever a time in my life when I was more calm or composed than I am now. Maybe it's just the lull before the storm. After it's over with I'll let you know it it was or not. All the fellows are taking it good. One would think we were just going out to enjoy a day of deep sea fishing to hear the guys cutting up. Everyone of us knows that a lot of marines are going no further than the beach, but I guess we all figure the same way, that it was probably be some other "Poor Joe" and let it go at that. Anyways, if a guy lets himself dwell too much on that angle, he'd crack in a hurry.
The weather had been treating us rather kindly, but this morning we ran into a few squalls. We sleep out on the open deck and at nights it's quite cool, but wonderful sleeping. The only thing you have to do is keep your fingers crossed that you don't get conked on the head by some heavy object that lets loose with the roll of the ship.
We're eating very good meals/ I can't understand why they are feeding us so well. I know it's not because they like us. Ha! Ha! (We are on a Navy ship). All joking aside though, we got plenty of respect for our navy and without them to protect us while we make the landing, it would be impossible.
While we lie around and wait, we have some nice poker and dice games. When I say nice, I mean if you are lucky enough, you can win yourself enough to buy a home in one afternoon.
February 28Th
Well, gang, here I am back again and the worst is over... I hope! I', well secured in a foxhole while finishing this letter and believe-you-me, in your foxhole is one place it pays to stay. In the daytime it's not so bad, but when night falls you can expect most anything to happen. The first couple nights were really hell and everyone of us thought it would be our last. The damn mortars dropping all around our hole really makes me want to pray. That's where these Japanese really get dividends and they sure take advantage of their skill. We don't consider rifle fire anything, it's the heavy artillery and mortar fire that keeps you sweating.
I'm on Iwo Jima, one of the Volcano islands, very close to Tokyo's front yard. On the end of this island is a volcano. It's mostly black sand and easy to dig but not very good protection once you do get a hole. I sure hope this volcano doesn't start acting up. I'm afraid the Marine Corps couldn't do much about that, but I'll bet you couldn't make the Japanese believe that. The other night, Tokyo Rose said that "Japan didn't declare war on the Marine Corps, anyways she declared war on our Army and Navy." We sure got a laugh out of that one. All joking aside, though, we all know that one is just as important as the other.
I had my hands on lots of things I would like to bring back, but I got so damn much gear of my own that I can't take advantage of the opportunity. Well, gang, hope this find you all OK. When I get home you are going to see one of the most satisfied guys on earth.
Your buddy,
I am more than proud of the man I called my Grandpa. He was a strong man with a delightful personality and a heart made of gold. He loved his family. I am going to miss him but his memory will forever be alive in our hearts.
The time has finally come for you to reunite with grandma, we love you.
Paul V. Rodocker 1918-2010

Paul V. Rodocker, 92 of Zanesville, OH died 7:26 pm Monday, August 16, 2010 at Emeritus at North Hills Zanesville Ohio following a sudden illness.
He was born Tuesday, February 26, 1918 in Martins Ferry Ohio. The son of Robert L. and Clara(Winland) Rodocker.
He was a member of St. Nicholas Catholic Church. He was employed by the Zanesville Mould Company having retired in 1980. He served his country during WWII as a United States Marine in the Pacific Theater where he participated in the Iwo Jima campaign. His military experience was published in the June 29, 2001 edition of the "Veterans Magazine". He was a lifetime member of the VFW. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, and spending time with his family, grandchildren, and friends.
Paul is survived by three daughters: Dr. Mary Margaret (Robert) Rodocker-Badame of Palo Alto, CA; Catherine (Dr. William) Martin of Zanesville, OH and Debbie Rodocker of Vancouver, WA; two sons: Paul (Sharon) Rodocker of Pataskala, OH and Stephen (Candy Brooks) Rodocker of Worthington, OH; eleven grandchildren; six great grandchildren with two more on the way and numerous nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents, Paul was preceded in death by his wife: Margaret F. (Greten) Rocdocker who died September 4, 2004, two brothers Otto and Walter, a sister Mary Jane Chaffin;
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Pit Time
And the Winner is..............
Nuby No-Spill Sports Sipper! Finally, one the actually works! At least one that works for Michael that is. We have bought literally every single sippy cup brand to see if one worked better than the other. We were at winco and saw a munchkin brand sports sippy and tried that and we were really close with that one. He would use it but the flow was so fast he would get his formula everywhere. We went to wal-mart and found a nuby sports sippy that we had not seen before and tried that and right away Michael took to it no problem. I used it half the day yesterday and he was content with just that, no need for his bottle. Eureka! I went out and bought a couple more today so maybe by tomorrow this little guy will no longer need his bottle! I didn't make my 10 month goal but it looks like we didn't go to far past my imaginary deadline.
Monday, August 16, 2010
10 Months!
Saturday August 14, the little one(although not so little anymore) turned 10 months old! I just can't wrap my mind around this yet, I still see my baby, so new and dependant, but everyday I am realizing that he is curious, & growing more and more independant. I am sure 2 months from now I will be worse off than I am now, I will have a one year old and my gosh, has this been the fastest year of my life. Well here is what Michael is up to at 10 Months.
He is still on the bottle. I had a goal to have him rid of the bottle by this time but it hasn't quite crossed over completly. We try everyday and sometimes he does great and other days he doesn't want anything to do with it. One of these days I am going to put my foot down and not let him have his way, but for right now, as long as he is trying, I can deal with it. We have almost every kind of sippy cup out there to see if he perfers one over the other. He likes the one with the straw but thats hit and miss. There is one that he does great with (more of sportsbottle top) but the flow is so fast it gets everywhere when he drinks, but he's got that one down. The kinds with the spouts he is not interested in AT ALL. He just chews.
Diapers are a size 4 but I have a feeling size 5 will be here sooner than I had thought
Clothes are 18 months and up, we have started going into 2t jammies
Michael eat cereal around noon and jarred baby food in the evening, but I think its time to start feeding him 3x's a day instead of the two. He isn't satisfied like he used to be. He has defently become aware that our food is different than he and he wants it. He always stands next to us while we are eating with his mouth open like a little birdy waiting to be fed. He really like "our" food. He is not a fan of applesauce at all. I thought it was because he has tried the kind with cinnamon but we got the regular stuff and it was the same face "what was that?!?!?!?!? and get it out of my mouth!!!!!!!"
He is almost walking. So close to taking those first steps with no help or support. For two months he has been walking along the couch using both hands and has been using two hands to stand up, but now he's down to one hand and cruising along the couch no problem. He reaches the end and tries to take a step but plops down. We bought him a push walker, @ first he would just stand up, then he would take a step then plop down, then he would take 3 or 4 steps and tip over, but now he pushes that thing all over, and fast.
He has discoverd his hands make noise when he hits things so now he hits everything and just giggles.
He has become more interested in everything else but his toys(stereo wires, shoes"favorite")
He pulls his bib off when he is done eating
Sleeping, has been a challenge. I had it easy the for a while when he slept through the night, but now, he doesn't go to bed until after 11 and wakes up about every 3 hours. He takes multiple short naps through out the day. I know he is waking up because he is hungry, this confirming that I need to start feeding him more fulfilling foods throughout the day.
There is more, but I'll post later.
He is still on the bottle. I had a goal to have him rid of the bottle by this time but it hasn't quite crossed over completly. We try everyday and sometimes he does great and other days he doesn't want anything to do with it. One of these days I am going to put my foot down and not let him have his way, but for right now, as long as he is trying, I can deal with it. We have almost every kind of sippy cup out there to see if he perfers one over the other. He likes the one with the straw but thats hit and miss. There is one that he does great with (more of sportsbottle top) but the flow is so fast it gets everywhere when he drinks, but he's got that one down. The kinds with the spouts he is not interested in AT ALL. He just chews.
Diapers are a size 4 but I have a feeling size 5 will be here sooner than I had thought
Clothes are 18 months and up, we have started going into 2t jammies
Michael eat cereal around noon and jarred baby food in the evening, but I think its time to start feeding him 3x's a day instead of the two. He isn't satisfied like he used to be. He has defently become aware that our food is different than he and he wants it. He always stands next to us while we are eating with his mouth open like a little birdy waiting to be fed. He really like "our" food. He is not a fan of applesauce at all. I thought it was because he has tried the kind with cinnamon but we got the regular stuff and it was the same face "what was that?!?!?!?!? and get it out of my mouth!!!!!!!"
He is almost walking. So close to taking those first steps with no help or support. For two months he has been walking along the couch using both hands and has been using two hands to stand up, but now he's down to one hand and cruising along the couch no problem. He reaches the end and tries to take a step but plops down. We bought him a push walker, @ first he would just stand up, then he would take a step then plop down, then he would take 3 or 4 steps and tip over, but now he pushes that thing all over, and fast.
He has discoverd his hands make noise when he hits things so now he hits everything and just giggles.
He has become more interested in everything else but his toys(stereo wires, shoes"favorite")
He pulls his bib off when he is done eating
Sleeping, has been a challenge. I had it easy the for a while when he slept through the night, but now, he doesn't go to bed until after 11 and wakes up about every 3 hours. He takes multiple short naps through out the day. I know he is waking up because he is hungry, this confirming that I need to start feeding him more fulfilling foods throughout the day.
There is more, but I'll post later.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Plan, Plan, Plan, HOW EXCITING!
So for the past I dunno 5 months all I can think about is how fast the next month comes about and how soon my little man is going to be 1! I swear yesterday I just found I was pregnant and now I almost have a 1 year old? Where did time go! In just a few short day I will have a 10 month old meaning in just 2 even shorter months I will have a 1 year old. I have been trying to figure out where to have his little b-day party. Our place is just much to small and will not do. I have also been trying to think of a theme and pretty sure I figured one out that's completely matches his bright personality. I am excited to start planning for this and saddened by this at the same time. Everyday I remember the day he was born, the day my miracle came, and everyday reminds me how thankful I am to have such a wonderful baby boy in my life. I remember that first minute he was here and how frightened I was that he wasn't breathing and the overwhelming amount of joy I felt when he finally cried. It was amazing and a memory I will cherish forever. I miss those days of little itty bitty fingers and toes, the days where I had to worry about tummy time, but I look forward to those first steps, the first sentence, the first everything from here on out.
It's a new day!
I had an interview this morning. It went really well and she wanted to get me started as soon as possible, so I'm thinking I got the job! I haven't worked in almost two years and its going to be an adjustment getting back into the working field but I think I can manage. Lately I have been super stressed about finances & everything else, and still wanting to go to school. I was almost to the point of dropping out and then this job came about and I think I will still be able to go to school, work, and have money to pay our bills. What a huge stress reliever. I try and take things day by day but I can't do that anymore, not when I have this little innocence that depends on us. Today is a new day, a new beginning, a day I can finally sigh with relief, thank god. I knew he would lead us in the right direction.
Monday, August 9, 2010
2 wonderful years!

Today marks Sean and I's second wedding anniversary. I am still in awe over this fact. Almost 4 years ago I was alone and thought my shining star would never come and then out of no where, it did. Now my skies are lit up for miles with no ending in sight and I am so humbled by this. It still feels like yesterday when we first said hello to one another. Now here we are celebrating two amazingly wonderful years together and with a baby at our side. I am so blessed to have such a strong support and foundation in my life, someone who I can speak my mind to, not have to PRETEND to be anything but myself around, who I can feel beautiful everyday around, to smile and laugh, and live life with everyday around. From the moment we met, to the day we said I do, forever and ever I will always love you. Happy Anniversary Honey!

It starts in my toes
and I crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go

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