So we have been working on the whole sippy cup thing. It's been a very bumpy road. I don't think the suction in the sippy's we bought work very well or if Michael isn't getting the hang of it. It could be one or the other or it could be both. We have the Nuby sippy cups and the gerber sippy cups. I am wondering if I should stick with these or if I should try a different brand. All I know is that I want to keep my goal of getting him off the bottle at 10 months and right now that goal doesn't look to promising.

I think I bought at least 5 different kinds until I found the one that both the girls liked!
The only ones that Lily would drink out of was the ones with straws. Don't ask my why or how she knew how to do it but she loved that and that was all we used for a long time.
With Lydia I tried the nuby and munkin ones that are similar and then I bought the gerber soft spout sippy cups and those were the ones that Lydia liked. After a little while though she didn't really love them and I went and bought the plastic harder spout platex ones and those were her favorite. Now she will drink out of any sippy cup which is great but I feel your pain on trying to find the right cup! It seems like both my sister and I bought tuns of different sippy cups until we found the right ones. Its money waisted but its hard b/c you have to find the right one. Have you tried giving Michael a sippy cup without the spill proof thing in it. Sometimes that helps b/c its hard for them to suck hard enough to realize they can get anything out of it.
I hope this helped a little bit. Good luck! And if you don't make the goal of 10 months don't feel bad at all! I tried when Lydia was 10 months and she was not having it and then i tried 2 weeks later and it was a hit and no more bottles! So just be patient and since you have the drive to get him off the bottle then you will! If you wernt so determined then he could be on the bottle forever like some parents let there kids but if your persistent it will work! Good luck and sorry for the long comment!
Lindsey, thanks for the comment. It does help. It's crazy how kids or so different in their wants and needs. I bought the platex ones but havn't used them yet. Hopefully this one will work. Thanks again!
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