Our little Munchkin, Bruiser, Little Man, Michael, Dada's boy, whatever you want to call him turned 9 months old on the 14. I took him to his well child check up yesterday and here are the stats.
21 Lbs 4.5 oz & 29 in. Long
Michael has been crawling like crazy. He is super quick. Sometimes you get up to go somewhere and you think that he is across the room and surprise "mama" I'm here, where ya going!
He climbs on everything. He scales the length of the couch and then when he reaches the end he lets go, stands there for a couple seconds, then plop!
~Since crawling he has been falling quite a bit and I have realized I can't run to his rescue every time he falls. Funny thing is, he doesn't really need me. The kids a champ and gets right back up and moves along. That's where he gets his nickname "Bruiser"
He is very talkative and smiles at just about everybody. He growls in this deep voice, and then will get this high pitched voice. He has also learned to scream, but hasn't figured out the right times to do it yet. An example would be that I am in another room and he screams and I come to find that he is just playing with his toys.

He has learned how to give Eskimo kisses, which I LOVE, and it's so cute when he puts his little noise against your face. When I ask him for a kiss its open mouth for a big wet slobbery one. But that's OK. He understands what a kiss is.
This kid Loves BIG OL BEAR HUGS. My dad always did that to me when I was a kid and still continues to do that to this day. I loved it and always wanted to continue that, so I am extremely happy that Michael enjoys the bear hug just as much as I do. He gets the biggest grin on his face and just cracks up which cracks me up.
He has two bottom teeth and is currently cutting two top teeth.
He is in size 4 diapers and 12 and 18 month size clothing.
He claps his hands and loves to make noise.
He dances to music.
I have got to say that this has been my favorite age so far. He is so independent. He is learning and discovering new things everyday which makes me happy and super excited for him.
It's so neat to watch him look at something on the floor, then so delicately with his little hands figure out how to pick it up.
I swear it's in children's genetics to go somewhere they know they are not supposed to go. Like the entertainment center. No matter how many times you pick him up and say that's off limits, he's right back at it.
When he is upset, which is very rare, I say come here, and he is right there. I love it. I love how I pick him up and everything in his world seems to be so much better. This kind of love is amazing and truly unique & stamped to each parent.
Well that's Michael at 9 months. I wonder what he will be like at 10 months?