Wow it feel like it has been forever since I blogged about Shelby or Michael. So here is an update on Shelby
She turned 8 months old on Feb. 29(I thought it was neat)
She is weighing in at 16.5
not sure how long she is
She sits up for a little bit but usually zings back because she stiffens up, or she will just flop over because she wants to be on her tummy.
She is not crawling yet but is a pro at rolling around. When that girl see's something she wants she literally goes on a mission to get there whether it be rolling or side lunging
She is still wearing 6-9 month clothing but I am starting to transition her into 9+ month clothing.
Size 3 diaper
Her favorite things to do:
Play in the Jumper (That girl can fly when she wants to!)
Lay on the floor and pull either Woody or Jessie's pull string NON STOP (Michael always gives Shelby these dolls, he is so good at sharing)
Eating: When we eat, she HAS to eat. In her mind, that's just the way it has to be
Some of her fav. foods are any type of cereal, and the fruits.
She will eat veggies, but it takes FOREVER since she insists on only taking itty bitty bites at a time as to gulps with the fruits.
Her personality
There is only one way I am able to describe her, and that is that she is just a girl.
She is so incredibly lovable, and smiley
but she can have this sassy side.
(Sass Face)
And when she is mad she is really mad and belts out this awful cry that I swear can only come out of a little girl.
When she first started "The Cry" I told Sean about it since we was on a trip and he laughed at me like it wasn't as bad as I said it was.
When he returned home, and was doing him norm, he walked past her and OMG There it was "The Cry".
I was in the Kitchen and just knew and walked out to find Sean stopped dead in his tracks, WHITE.
"Yea it is pretty bad" he said
No teeth yet and I have a feeling they won't be there for a while longer. I know in my last blog about her I said I thought there would be teeth soon, but I think they went back up and haven't tried working there way down again.
Bath time
She is quiet during her bath. She just gets into "The Zone". She just closes her eyes when Michael allows her and completely lets go. Her arms float as do her legs. It's her mellow time I guess. When she is not able to relax because Michael is being so rambunctious, she stares at him. Watching his every move.
She still has a clogged tear duct. We have gone weeks without any drainage but it reappears again. It's slowly starting to heal, un block itself.
She still has the labiel adhesion. It is not causing her any discomfort so for now we will let time take it coarse and it will separate on it's own time.
She is recovering from Brociolitis right now. Michael came down with a fever and I knew it would take just a matter of time before Shelby came down with something. Both were so bad last wednesday that I took them both in. Michael was diagnosed with a URI and Right ear infection. He was prescribed anti b's. Shelby on the other hand was just home care. She has a cold. The next day she spiked a fever. 101.4. I had been giving her tylenol but it wasn't really helping. She also stopped eating solids and drinking formula, There also hadn't been a wet diaper. I called advice and they told me some things to do at home that should help (that irritated me so much since I had been doing all of the above) & made an appointment for friday. I took her in again & they gave her a neb treatment and right away her breathing improved. The ped. diagnosed her with Bronciolitis. She was prescribed an inhalent medication. She is now on day 5 of treatment as is almost back to 100% She still has a cough and runny nose but is eating and drinking like a champ again. Not to mention she is HAPPY again. She is not a pleasant baby when she is sick. She is just miserable and very clingy. Makes me sad she feels so yucky.

(Shell's and Mike both fell asleep while attempting to eat lunch. I didn't have the heart to move either one so I tilted them back and tucked them in and let them slumber away)
I think I will leave it at that for now and add more later!