So today exactly, wednesday the 14, my little boy was born 6 months ago. Its hard to believe and imagine I have been a mommy to the most precious gift for half a year now. WOW. Here is a little update.
Michael is eating solids. He has rice cereal at noon one day and oatmeal at noon the next, and every eve. he has a different kind of baby food. I have been trying to give him more peas and green beans than fruit though. We tried peaches for the first time and he did not like them at all, oh well, we tried.
He wears size 3 diapers. He mostly wears 9 month clothing now. Its like we went from 3-6 months to barly wearing 6 months to bam 9 month clothing. He is outgrowing his 9 month old jammies so we have had to buy 12 month size in those. He is just long. Not sure how long though, we have his 6 month well child check up on the 19.
He still loves his bath time and discovers he can make more of a mess each time he takes a bath and he just squeals like crazy.
He is starting to laugh so much and I can get him giggle a little but when grandma (my mom) comes around that boy is cracking up. He just loves her sooooo much.
He has been on his first trip/plane ride and he did fabulous.
He is rolling over from back to belly and sometimes belly to back but that is very rare. He jsut hasn't gotten the hang of it quite yet. The other day he did manage to roll and roll a good 6 feet. But that was just once. When he is on his belly, he gets his butt real high in the air and his legs right underneath him and pushes and he does a great job at scooting around.
He still adores his bouncy and gets so excited while he is in it.
Michael is getting more and more interested in the animals. When they walk by he gets the biggest grin on his face.
He sits in a shopping cart strapped in with some padded support and does great.
He grabs and anything and everything now, nothing gets passed that kid
Michael goes to sleep any time between 9:30 and 11pm and will wake up anywhere between 7 and 9:30am. It just depends on the day. The one thing I must start working on is putting him to bed while he is still awake. I just hadn't realized what I was doing which was holding him until he fell asleep. Now I need to try and get him to go to sleep on his own.
He no longer takes the bink. He used it just for comfort here and there before he turned 5 months, but he was dependant on it. It's like he really didn't need it. Once we were in Ohio and he turned 5 months is just like one day he decided he was done with it and I was just fine with that. One habit that was EASY to break.
We are 6 months in and each day has been an adventure. I have felt down and out that I am not doing things right but at the end of the day when I see my sleeping boy smiling in his sleep, I can't help but feel that he is more than happy and that just warms my heart.
I can't wait to see how much he weighs and how long he is on Monday! I will make sure and post that update!